Domiciliary Care

Mushkil Aasaan has been an approved Domiciliary Care Provider since 1995, regulated by the “Care Quality Commission” (CQC), The increasing demands made on the organisation by the Community have clearly demonstrated a greater need for its provision. As a ‘Specialist’ Provider Mushkil Aasaan offers packages of Care that transcend detailed knowledge of the Community’s faiths, values, customs, language and dietary needs beyond that of their basic needs.

Mushkil Aasaan embraces and outreaches to all diversities of religion and culture. We are committed to serve the Community with equal access to all, regardless of gender, race, religion, social class, or disability or protected characteristics.

As an Investor in people, Mushkil Aasaan capitalises on the wealth of expertise in the Community. Our experienced and trained Careworkers are skilled and knowledgeable in the diverse language and cultural needs of our Service Users as caring is very much part of the ethos of the culture.

The needs of all our Service Users lie at the heart of our service planning and delivery and every attempt is made to ensure that they have a choice in the type and level of service which respects their individuality and need for privacy.

Mushkil Aasaan engages Careworkers to deliver services to an agreed Support Plan, which maintains and respects the privacy, dignity and lifestyle of the Service User while promoting independence.

Management of risk is core in delivering a consistent and caring service with appropriate mitigations drawn up in conjunction with the Service User and their family member or advocate and any relevant Social Care and Health practitioner. Risk Assessments include guidance for staff around minimising risks as well as contingency planning should an emergency arise.

We continuously strive to provide a high standard of Quality Care to ensure effective accountability to all our Service Users. This manifests itself through training, regular monitoring of performance and Service User satisfaction.


Eligibility and Service User groups

The Homecare Service is available to those having the following eligible social care needs with due dignity and recognition of the intrinsic value of people regardless of circumstances by respecting their uniqueness and personal needs and treating them with respect:

Older people

People with dementia

People with physical disabilities

People with sensory impairments

People with long-term conditions

People with a learning disability and/ or autism

People with mental ill health



The core purpose of care and support is to help people to achieve the outcomes that are important to them and accord with a lifestyle they wish to follow for their health and well-being:

Managing and maintaining nutrition with their choice of food

Managing personal hygiene with their cultural and faith norms

Managing toilet needs and mobilisation

Encouraging and supporting self-care and exercise.

Being appropriately clothed

Being able to make use of their home safely

Maintaining a habitable home environment

Developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships

Carrying out any caring responsibilities the adult has for a child

Making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community including public transport and recreational facilities or services

Using a strengths-based approach to maintain and improve social networks and enhance well-being

Making use of community resources, such as the voluntary, community and faith sector as well as health and social care services

Improving quality of life by receiving support to learning opportunities, with the benefit of reliable information and advice, available in accessible formats